We are inspired by women in photography and we are passionate about asserting their place in our art history narratives.

We define photography as any creative cultural activity that takes place both inside and outside of established arts organisations and institutions – that might include photography, moving image, performance, installation, curation and writing with the widest possible public participation on both a local and national level.

We define women by any person of any race, creed or colour identifying as female.

Fast Forward Report 2022 on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is available on our website.

© Teza Soe
© Helen Sear
© Anna Fox

We believe

© Nelci Bárbaro and
Marilene Ribeiro
© Maria Kapajeva
© Karen Knorr
© Elizabeth Ransom

We are calling for

  1. A step change for all arts organisations and institutions to commit to exhibiting, commissioning, publishing and collecting at least 50% women’s work.
  2. Inclusivity leading to all arts events and activities to address a minimum of 50% of women’s interests and stories.
  3. The education system to recognise and value women artists and photographers, and the role they play in society, in their curricula at every level of the system and to provide equal opportunities for female artists and photographers to take part and enrich their curricula.
  4. A more significant encouragement for women to be involved in photography as practioners, as participants and as audiences as part of government policy.
  5. The introduction of an arts and cultural strategy for women in all local and national planning that includes an emphasis on the value of photography.
  6. An innovative and robust approach to financing with key government organisations such as the Arts Council as well as local arts councils being involved in the planning of events and activities that deliberately include women artists and photographers and female audiences.
  7. For governments, local and national, to play an active enabling role in both pushing forward innovative ideas and finding ways to fund projects that involve and include women as photographers, artists, writers, curators and audiences.
  8. A group of sector leaders including the Fast Forward research group to work together to affect change for women photographers and audiences in all aspects of our society.

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Fast Forward is a research group based at University for the Creative Arts in Farnham since 2013 organising conferences, symposia, workshops and public talks concerned with revising our knowledge of women in photography.

The group includes a range of photographic professionals from the fields of education, commerce, photographic practice, charities and arts organisations who have come together to advocate, through their activities, for increased involvement of women in photography.

We champion the involvement of women in photography through:

  • Research workshops taking part across the globe increasing awareness and knowledge of international practice and promoting practice by women photographers from the UK to the widest possible audiences
  • Conferences and symposia bringing new knowledge to public audiences both through actual events as well as their broadcast on the internet (after the event)
  • Public talks discussing and advocating for women in photography such as at Paris Photo and at photography festivals
  • Contributing to education both in terms of teaching as well as publishing educational material in books and journals
  • Promoting emerging photographers on our social media platforms, gallery on the Fast Forward website and through mentorship programmes
  • Dissemination opportunities for women in the business of photography through an opportunities section on the Fast Forward website
  • Creating a dialogue about the issues women face in the arts, heritage and education sector
  • Through our own practices